My father has always been such a big influence in my life and i am so grateful for that. From a young age i was attached to him. My other siblings all look more like my Mom and i look like my Dad, and i always clung to that idea.

This week, i want to thank my Dad for all he has done for me. He is one of my Hero's, i love him dearly. There are no words to express how grateful i am for him and how much i love him. I hope to one day marry a man that is as good of a dad as he has been too me.
We ( my dad and i) already have a wedding song picked out . I loved her first by heartland, and i think the words are perfect for our relationship. love you forever dad. <3
This week we specifically talked about Mother's and Fathers and their roles in the home. I think it is important to mention that they work as a team and are best able to help children in that way.
I also want to thank my Mother. She is such an angel in every way; she truly makes me want to be a better person. I love her so much and i hope to be even half the mother she has been.
Without the influence of both parents, i think that the family is not whole, I also know that giving up work to bear and rear children is not swapping your mind for a mop. I believe that you need to be educated in order to educate children. This week i learned a lot about myself and how i want my future family to be, and how i want to be in my future family.
I hope this blog has inspired you to think about what you want! :)
That's all for now, Untill, next week!!
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