I am so excited that i will get to blog about all that i have learned for this class! :)
-passion allows you to attain deeper learning.
how do you affect your family? we talked a lot about how our families are and how we impact them.
Here are some stats we learned this week that i found to be very interesting:
- Premarital sex has increased
- Unwed Mothers has increased
- 40% of kids are born out of wedlock ( 70% for African- American Families)
- Birth rates are decreasing ( not having kids)

- 75% of Americans have never been divorced
* All divorce spikes influence each other.
we talked about which of these statistics are significant, interesting or incidental.
The significant ones are: PreMarital Sex, Unwed Mothers, Birth Rates, Divorce
The interesting ones are Marriage age has increased
None of the above are incidental.
As you can see this week we learned a lot about things that are very significant to our society. They are all things that we should be educated about and aware of.
I am excited to continue to learn about the family and how i can help change and influence it for the better.
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