I think gender has always been one of those subjects that can be tricky or uncomfortable to talk about. When your younger your parents hesitate to explain those things to you; for fear that it will corrupt your mind. Are they right to feel that way?
In our world today i think when it comes to gender you as a parent needs to be the one that tells your children about those things. This world has such a twisted view on gender roles; and if you want your children to grow up with all of the facts; you need to be the person to tell them.
Gender is something that i have always been aware of; their are certain ways that males and females are perceived... guys are tough, girls are weak, for example.
Something interesting that i loved was that we talked about the fact that our sex was predetermined. I had never thought of this before and i thought it was extremely interesting. If i was a different gender how would i be? My life would be completely different. There is a reason for everything that we go through and i definitely think that we need to trust in God's plan.
What i loved about this week was that we were all able to talk so openly about a subject that can be potentially awkward. Some of the facts we learned shocked me. I was so unaware that so many people struggle with same- sex attraction. The end of this week was interesting to learn about; i feel like at times we don't realize how much people struggle until they are willing to open up and change. I think it is so important to be kind and Christlike to those who are dealing with these struggles. I have realized that you never know what an individual is dealing with and how important it is to be kind and show love.
I think it is also important to state that if you want to change having a same-sex attraction you can change it, if you are willing to put in that work. It is something that can be overcome.
I am grateful for this weeks lessons; i have learned a lot and it has changed my outlook on gender and the roles that we all play.